When running LoadGen a load test, especially with a large and extended script, the resources on the Agent can have a heavy load (CPU and memory). To reduce the load of your flow, we have set up some best practices for building a stable flow.
Validate on image: area to search - Custom vs. whole desktop
Use a custom search area where ever possible in your Validate on image
If your image is always in a fixed place, e.g., Start button, you can add a custom search area.
Area to search: Custom
Make sure the size of the custom area size is at least 150 x 150.
Area to search: Whole desktop
A search of your whole desktop will be done every time this validation is called.
And the winner is...
As you can imagine searching for a specific image on a whole desktop is far more CPU and memory intensive than just a custom area. Our advice is to always use a custom area if possible.
Validate on image: Use small images for your searches. For example 16 x 16
Your image should not be smaller than 16 x 16. If you wish to use a smaller image, please use Validate on pixel.
When using Validation on image in a repeat sequence, add a 'pause' in your repeat loop
Our advise is to add a Pause the Actionwait time to your flow in case you use a Repeat routine. This object will give your system time to clean all used graphical objects before starting the next loop.
You can find the Repeat loop and Pause in the toolbox of the recorder.
Add a 'Pause' between consecutive 'Validate on image' validations
If you have added a Validation on image in the Validation failed / successful branch of the main Validation add a Pause before the next Validation.