Issue: Compile errors found
While trying to play your flow you get the following error message:
Compile errors found
There were some errors in compiling the flow; please check the flow before continuing.
Keyword is not valid as an identifier.
There were some errors in compiling the flow; please check the flow before continuing.
Keyword is not valid as an identifier.
Cause: Keywords cannot be used as an image name
At the moment keywords are reserved, which means that you cannot use them as names for programming elements such as variables or procedures. These include image names that you define in validation on the image.
Feature Request
Overview of reserved keywords
AddHandler | AddressOf | Alias | And |
AndAlso | As | Boolean | ByRef |
Byte | ByVal | Call | Case |
Catch | CBool | CByte | CChar |
CDate | CDbl | CDec | Char |
CInt | Class Constraint | Class Statement | CLng |
CObj | Const | Continue | CSByte |
CShort | CSng | CStr | CType |
CUInt | CULng | CUShort | Date |
Decimal | Declare | Default | Delegate |
Dim | DirectCast | Do | Double |
Each | Else | ElseIf | End Statement |
End | EndIf | Enum | Erase |
Error | Event | Exit | FALSE |
Finally | For (in For…Next) | For Each…Next | Friend |
Function | Get | GetType | GetXMLNamespace |
Global | GoSub | GoTo | Handles |
If | If() | Implements | Implements Statement |
Imports (.NET Namespace and Type) | Imports (XML Namespace) | In | In (Generic Modifier) |
Inherits | Integer | Interface | Is |
IsNot | Let | Lib | Like |
Long | Loop | Me | Mod |
Module | Module Statement | MustInherit | MustOverride |
MyBase | MyClass | Namespace | Narrowing |
New Constraint | New Operator | Next | Next (in Resume) |
Not | Nothing | NotInheritable | NotOverridable |
Object | Of | On | Operator |
Option | Optional | Or | OrElse |
Out (Generic Modifier) | Overloads | Overridable | Overrides |
ParamArray | Partial | Private | Property |
Protected | Public | RaiseEvent | ReadOnly |
ReDim | REM | RemoveHandler | Resume |
Return | SByte | Select | Set |
Shadows | Shared | Short | Single |
Static | Step | Stop | String |
Structure Constraint | Structure Statement | Sub | SyncLock |
Then | Throw | To | TRUE |
Try | TryCast | TypeOf…Is | UInteger |
ULong | UShort | Using | Variant |
Wend | When | While | Widening |
With | WithEvents | WriteOnly | Xor |
#Const | #Else | #ElseIf | #End |
#If | = | & | &= |
* | *= | / | /= |
\ | \= | ^ | ^= |
+ | += | - | -= |
>> Operator | >>= Operator | << | <<= |