Release date
May 17th, 2018
LoadGen General
- Named User Pack now automatically processed when available on application startup.
LoadGen Studio Functional
- Major improvements in memory handling of repository and speed of application.
- Improvements in repository size handling.
- Better version management of blocks.
- Export to pdf fixed.
LoadGen Studio Cloud
- Updated models for use in LoadGen's Swagger page.
- Improvement in login form use.
LoadGen Studio
- By default the Logon, Initialize, Finalize and Logoff instances now have an empty useractions block.
LoadGen Director
- Flow now always saved into canvas in Basic licenses.
- Improved drawing of multiple active target environments in End-to-End monitoring.
- Opening Studio from the Director will pre-select the Studio mode.
- Empty blocks added to Logon, Logoff, Initialize, Finalize items when creating a new flow in Director.
LoadGen Agents
- Added support for lock, unlock, logon and logoff to Agent Cloud mode