In the LoadGen software, the UserType feature is a powerful tool that offers enhanced control over the distribution of user types in the testing process. It enables the definition of specific sets of users who will run a particular application. These sets can be determined based on various criteria such as a percentage of total test users, specific test usernames, or definitions within the LoadGen Director active canvas.
The LoadGen Director active canvas, in particular, is where you can readily find and adjust the UserType feature. You can access this by opening your active canvas and navigating to the tab page for test users. Here, in the grid titled 'Active Users in Profile', you have the ability to modify the UserType connected to each test user. It's worth noting that any definitions made in the LoadGen Director supersede all others, giving you granulated control over the user distribution.
On occasions, you might need to switch the UserType definitions from percentage-based to named users, or vice versa. This can be done by making certain modifications to the 'script.xml' file in the workload file (.lgs). Remember to back up this file before any changes.
Change the usertypes in your Workload

- Create a backup of your workload file (named .lgs).
- Extract script.xml from the workload file, we advise using 7zip of Winrar.
- Search for usertype.
- In case you want to use named users: set the percentage to -1 and add the usernames as in the example here below (repeat this for all of your usertypes!):
- In case you want to use percentage: set the percentage to 100 and remove the usernames as in the example here below (repeat this for all of your usertypes!):
- Compress the script.xml again with all of the other extracted files and rename it to the original lgs filename.