This article describes which data is collected from the LoadGen Agents during a load performance test or an End-to-End Monitoring session. We will store the data in two separate tables:
- UserAction Results: In this table, all of the UserAction results will be stored, these are actions that are collected by the different user sessions.
- Performance Metrics: The Performance Metrics table will store all the data collected by the LoadGen Agents for the Systems under Test. These Systems under Test machines can be all kinds of Windows machines within the same network in which the LoadGen Agent resides.
You can create custom queries by opening the side panel, opening the dashboard menu, opening Data Sources, and choosing Add Query.
UserAction Results
- ActualTime (DateTime): the time of the saved record in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- AgentId (GUID): the GUID of the LoadGen Agent.
- ApplicationName (String): the name of the current application. In the LoadGen Studio, you can add an application. All of the actions performed by the End-to-End Monitoring user will be timed and saved into the database. Read more about Applications in this article.
- ApplicationTime (Double): the recorded time of the specific saved record. This record is correlated with the Type entity.
- ApplicationTimeWithWasteTime (Double): the recorded time of the specific action with waste time included. This record is correlated with the Type entity. In the LoadGen Studio, you can mark idle or pause times as a waste time.
- HasScreenshot (Boolean): indicates if the record holds a screenshot.
- Id (GUID): the unique id of the specific record.
- Iteration (Integer): If you run the Workload continually, the iteration value will be added up by each iteration.
- LoadGenAgent (String): the name of the LoadGen Agent.
- LoadGenAgentActualTime (DateTime): the time of the saved record on the LoadGen Agent in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- LoadGenAgentIPAddress (String): the IP Address of the LoadGen Agent.
- LoadTestRelativeTime (DateTime): the LoadTestRelativeTime value will be the time span from the beginning of the current session up to the time spent until this record is saved.
- MeasurementName (String): the name of the current Measurement. The measurement time is the time it took for a particular action: i.e. waiting on Outlook to open completely or sending a mail, or opening a file. These Measurements can be dynamically created as Validations in the LoadGen Studio. Read more about Measurements in this article.
- MeasurementTime (Double): the recorded time of the specific saved record. This record is correlated with the Type entity.
- Message (String): the message sent from the LoadGen Agent, which can be set up in the LoadGen Studio and could be found under the Messages actions.
- RemoteServer (String): the name of the remote server, in case of monitoring Citrix, Remote Desktop Services, VMware Horizon, or Azure Virtual Desktop this is the VDI or Hosted Desktop name. In the case of FAT Client, this is the name of the machine on which the LoadGen Agent is installed on.
- SessionId (GUID): the unique id of the LoadGen End-to-End Monitoring Profile, if you have more LoadGen Agents in a profile the SessionId will be the same.
- SessionTime (Double): the amount of time elapsed from the start of the Monitoring session in seconds.
- TestId (GUID): the unique id of the current End-to-End Monitoring session.
- Type (Enum): the type is based on the specific event the monitoring user has raised at the time of saving this record. Read more about the messages here.
- Username (String): the current user running the Monitoring session.
- Wastetime (Double): the recorded time of the specific action with waste time included. This record is correlated with the Type entity. In the LoadGen Studio, you can mark idle or pause times as a waste time.
Type - Event Messages
Type (Enum): the type is based on the specific event the monitoring user has raised at the time of saving this record. We support the following event messages:
- LoadGenInitializing: the LoadGen Agent will start a new Monitoring session.
- LoadGenPrepareConnect: the LoadGen Agent is preparing a new connection.
- LoadGenBeforeConnect: the LoadGen Agent will connect to the session.
- LoadGenAfterConnect: the LoadGen Agent has connected the user.
- SendLogonFailed: the Monitoring user could not log in.
- SendLogonSuccessful: the Monitoring user logged in successfully.
- OnFlowStart: the LoadGen Agent compiled the Workload and will start the Workload.
- ApplicationStart: the start of the timer, when the monitoring user will start a new application.
- ApplicationFail: the application ran into an issue, this action must be set up in the LoadGen Studio.
- ApplicationSuccess: the application ran successfully, this action must be set up in the LoadGen Studio.
- MeasurementStart: the start of the timer, when the monitoring user will start a new measurement.
- MeasurementFail: the measurement ran into an issue, this action must be set up in the LoadGen Studio.
- MeasurementSuccess: the measurement ran successfully, this action must be set up in the LoadGen Studio.
- SendMessage: a custom message send from the Workload.
- SendMessageDirector: a custom message send from the Workload.
- SendDUAFScriptFailed: the Workload failed.
- SendDUAFScriptSuccessful: the Workload ran successfully.
Citrix Event Messages
- StorefrontConnect: events regarding the Citrix Storefront login and ICA file retrieval process.
- StorefrontError: events regarding errors during the Citrix Storefront process.
- LoadGenIcaFileProcessed: ICA file is processed by the LoadGen Agent.
- OnInitialProp: Initial properties have been set.
- OnICAFile: ICA file loaded.
- OnInitializing: Initializing the Citrix session.
- OnConnecting: Connecting the Citrix session.
- OnConnect: Citrix session connected successfully.
- OnConnectFailed: Citrix session connecting unsuccessful.
- OnLogon: Citrix session login successfully.
- OnLogonFailed: Citrix session login unsuccessful.
- GetRemoteServer: Get Citrix machine name.
- OnDisconnect: Citrix session disconnected successfully.
- OnDisconnectFailed: Citrix session disconnect unsuccessful.
Microsoft Remote Desktop Event Messages
- LoadGenRdpFileProcessed: RDP file is processed by the LoadGen Agent.
- OnInitialProp: Initial properties have been set.
- OnRDPFile: RDP file loaded.
- OnInitializing: Initializing the Microsoft RDP session.
- OnConnecting: Connecting the Microsoft RDP session.
- OnConnect: Microsoft RDP session connected successfully.
- OnConnectFailed: Microsoft RDP session connecting unsuccessful.
- OnLogon: Microsoft RDP session login successfully.
- OnLogonFailed: Microsoft RDP session login unsuccessful.
- GetRemoteServer: Get the Microsoft RDP machine name.
- OnDisconnect: Microsoft RDP session disconnected successfully.
- OnDisconnectFailed: Microsoft RDP session disconnect unsuccessful.
Performance Metrics
- ActualTime (DateTime): the time of the saved record in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
- AgentId (GUID): the GUID of the LoadGen Agent.
- CounterCategoryName (String): the category name of the counter, this can be for example Process, Processor, or Memory.
- CounterInstanceName (String): the instance name of the counter, this can be for example <All instances>, _Total, or the number of the Processor.
- CounterName (String): the counter name of the counter you want to collect, this can be for example % Processor Time, Available MBytes, or % Disk Read Time.
- CounterValue (Float): the value of the counter, we will retrieve each counter result every 5 seconds.
- Id (GUID): the unique id of the specific record.
- IPAddress (String): the IP Address of the SUT Machine.
- Iteration (Integer): in case you run the Workload continually, the iteration value will be added up by each iteration.
- LoadTestRelativeTime (DateTime): the LoadTestRelativeTime value will be the time span from the beginning of the current session up to the time spent until this record is saved.
- MachineName (String): the name of the SUT Machine.
- OperatingSystem (String): the OS of the SUT Machine.
- SessionId (GUID): the unique id of the LoadGen End-to-End Monitoring Profile, if you have more LoadGen Agents in a profile the SessionId will be the same.
Combine UserActions with Performance Metrics
You can combine UserActions with Performance Metric to create a join query on the following columns:
- SessionId: this is the unique id of the LoadGen End-to-End Monitoring Profile.
- ActualTime: this is the unique date and time when the item is triggered, saved in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)