LoadGen Cloud settings menu overview

LoadGen Cloud settings menu

The LoadGen Cloud settings menu is only visible for users with the super admin role.

In the LoadGen Cloud settings menu, we have four options:
  1. LoadGen Cloud roles: Roles are used to group permissions. When a user has a role, then the user will have all permissions for that role. Read more about roles in this article.
  2. LoadGen Cloud users: Users are people who can log in to the application and perform some operations based on their permissions. Read more about users in this article.
  3. Organization Units: Organization units (OU) are used to hierarchically group users and entities. Then you can get users or entities based on their OUs. Read more about Organization Units in this article.
  4. Audit logs: In the audit logs page you can see all user interactions with the LoadGen Cloud. Read more about audit logs in this article.

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