Alerts: Triggers

Alert Triggers in LoadGen Cloud are a crucial feature for real-time monitoring and notifications, allowing you to respond proactively to events within your testing environment. This guide provides detailed instructions on how to set up and configure Alert Triggers. Alert triggers enable proactive monitoring by sending out notifications through various channels such as email, SMS, WhatsApp, or WebHook. Currently, only Email and Webhooks are available.

Accessing Alert Triggers

Navigate to the Alerts section on your LoadGen Cloud dashboard and select the Triggers tab. This is where you'll manage and create new alert profiles.

  1. Click on 'Create Alert Trigger' to initiate the setup wizard.
  2. In the Step 1 section provide the following information:
    1. Name: Provide a name for your new trigger.
    2. Trigger Type: Choose the 'Trigger Type' from the available options. Initially, 'Email' and '; 'Webhooks' are available, with more types like SMS and WhatsApp to be added soon.
    3. Trigger Configuration Type: Select the type of monitoring that triggers the alerts: User Experience Measurements or Performance Metrics, read more about which data you can receive in this article.

Email: Crafting the Notification Message

In the Triggers Wizard's second step dedicated to Email, you can define the specific endpoint for LoadGen to send notifications when an alert is triggered.

Provide the following information:

  1. Email: Configure the email notification settings by specifying the recipient email address, as well as any CC or BCC addresses if needed.
  2. Subject: Craft a subject line that captures the essence of your alert (variables such as Alert Type, Name, Agent info, and actual time can be included for detailed context).

    Incorporate dynamic content into your notification by using the '$' symbol to add variables related to the alert name, type, timestamp, LoadGen Agent details, user, and specific measurement for a comprehensive overview.

  3. Message: Compose the message body using rich text formatting, including one or more variables.

Webhook: Crafting the Notification Message

In the Triggers Wizard's second step dedicated to WebHooks, you can define the specific endpoint for LoadGen to send notifications when an alert is triggered.

Here's the detailed information you can specify:

  1. Webhook URL: Enter the unique endpoint URL where the alert notification will be sent. This is the receiver of the WebHook post.
  2. Headers: Add any required HTTP headers that should be included in the WebHook request. Click "Add Header" to insert multiple headers if necessary.
  3. Params: Define additional URL parameters for the WebHook call. These might be required for authentication or to control the WebHook behavior. You can add multiple parameters by clicking "Add Param".
  4. Body Template: Create the content of the WebHook notification. Similar to an email message, you can include dynamic variables using the '$' symbol, such as $ActualTime to reflect the exact time the alert is triggered. The body template should be structured as per the receiving service’s expectations for processing the WebHook data.


Best Practices

  • Consistency in Naming: Use clear, consistent naming conventions for triggers to easily identify their purpose.
  • Tailored Messages: Craft your messages to provide all necessary information for quick understanding and response.
  • Variable Usage: Make the most out of variables to automate and personalize alert content.
  • Regular Reviews: Periodically review your triggers to ensure they remain relevant and adjust as needed.

Edit the Alert Profile

To edit or view the SUT Template you can click the gearbox icon in the first column of the main page of the specific SUT Template.

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