Default LoadGen Performance Counters for a SUT Profile

When setting up a LoadGen performance monitoring profile for a System Under Test (SUT), it is essential to configure the appropriate performance counters. These counters provide critical insights into system performance and help in identifying potential bottlenecks. Below is a detailed description of the default LoadGen Performance Counters categorized by their respective categories, instances, and names.

Logical Disk Counters


  • Counter Instance Name: _Total
  • Counter Names:
    • Current Disk Queue Length
    • % Disk Read time
    • % Disk Write time
    • % Disk time

These counters help in monitoring the overall disk performance, focusing on read/write times and disk queue lengths, which are crucial for understanding disk I/O performance.

Memory Counters


  • Counter Instance Name: (None)
  • Counter Names:
    • Pool Nonpaged Bytes
    • Pool Paged Bytes
    • Committed Bytes
    • Available Bytes

Memory counters provide insight into how the system's memory is being utilized, including committed bytes, available bytes, and the usage of nonpaged and paged pools.

Physical Disk Counters


  • Counter Instance Name: _Total
  • Counter Names:
    • % Disk time
    • % Disk Read time
    • % Disk Write time
    • Current Disk Queue Length

Physical disk counters are similar to logical disk counters but provide data at a physical disk level, which is useful for more granular disk performance analysis.

Process Counters


  • Counter Instance Name: _Total
  • Counter Names:
    • IO Read Operations/sec
    • IO Write Operations/sec
    • Page File Bytes

Process counters monitor the input/output operations and the usage of page files, which are crucial for understanding process-level performance and identifying potential issues with specific processes.

Processor Counters


  • Counter Instance Name: _Total
  • Counter Names:
    • % Interrupt Time
    • % Processor Time

Processor counters help in monitoring CPU performance, focusing on the percentage of time the processor spends on handling interrupts and the overall processor time.

System Counters


  • Counter Instance Name: (None)
  • Counter Names:
    • Context Switches/sec
    • Processor Queue Length

System counters provide insights into system-wide performance metrics, such as the number of context switches per second and the length of the processor queue, which are indicative of the system's overall workload and performance.

Terminal Services Counters

Terminal Services

  • Counter Instance Name: (None)
  • Counter Names:
    • Inactive Sessions
    • Active Sessions

Terminal Services counters monitor the number of active and inactive sessions, which is essential for environments that rely on terminal services for user sessions.

These default performance counters are crucial for comprehensive performance monitoring of your SUT profile, providing a holistic view of system health and performance. By configuring these counters, you can proactively identify and address potential performance issues, ensuring optimal performance of your systems.

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